Monday, January 4, 2010

Launchin it

So, there's a reason I've put off joining this internet fad. It's not because I wanted to rebel against what everyone else is doing these days. And it's not because I feared no one would read my life wonderments and mind wanderings (considering there are a lot of bloggers who AREN'T funny and AREN'T interesting and people still read their ramblings). I've actually WANTED to jump fingers first into this lawless form of personal expression! It's quite enticing to the amateur writer I am and the professional opinionist I pretend to be to have the imaginary offer of writing for the largest communication portal AND get to completely control and freely choose what I write about....
The honest hold-up happens to be an issue of commitment. I, being both an aspiring writer and a bit of an over-achiever, wanted to do this thing RIGHT- columnist style. Routine, yet readable by people OTHER than family members and long distance friends who want to keep up on Zoe's entertaining doings (sorry Mom, this is not the place to read about what Zoe did at school today or how I had an epic fail at cooking). And with my crazy life, not starting the blog I would take all-to-seriously was a better option than failing by quitting mid-sentence.
But, I want this now. :) I am committed. :) (applause please) So here it is... regular AND unpredictable in one place. MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION! (also my way of substituting any sort of ridiculous weight loss promises)---Treadmill for the writer. Better than some stupid work out regime, this is an exercise program for what I really am doing behind the scenes- a book. (gasp in excitement please)
Blogging is hopefully going to act as not only my personal trainer, but my filter, my executive idea manager and my "get it out of your system because this is NOT going in the book" outlet. :) (I also don't get to make smiley faces in my book, which, for me, is really difficult to abide by...personally I'd like to be the first GOOD author who breaks that rule and just emoticons the hell out of my book...but, that idea hasn't AFTER I'm famous...)
So, as a cheaper alternative to the newspaper with a significantly minimal amount of information on responsible life (economy, presidential sillyness, and weather) and hopefully an incredibly grandiose amount of hilarity and maybe a bit of wisdom...(we'll see)HERE IS MY BLOG. Get excited. :)

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