Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Little Bit in Love....

With Jim Halpert....(there's actually a website for this childish obsession, but it's really not all that great so I'm not going to suggest you go look at it to get a better understanding of HOW I feel. Cuz you won't.)

I understand obsession with TV personalities might be a little unhealthy, and that I am not the only girl/woman/lady/female who has discovered Jim's undeniable lovability. Thankfully, in this case, BECAUSE he's not real, I don't feel IN competition with these other crazy ladies, but maybe a sense of comaraderie.(If I'm going to have a "type" and he's going to be fictional, I think at this point I WANT other women to agree with me, to lessen the feeling of insanity.) If guys want a good solid few hints on what works in the romance department, training from Mr. Halpert would be well worth their time :). (Really, Jim Halpert in all his humor and romantic ways, has a pretty good way of dealing with life. His style is also pretty irresistible...Just sayin'.)

I recognize that Hollywood is nearly half the source of unhealthy expectations when it comes to real relationships. I also get that even though I recognize that, doesn't mean I am immune to these unrealistic expectations. In my case, I would like to say that I am too "logical" for completely losing my brain over a fictional story line, so really, Hollywood isn't a SOURCE of my hopeless romantic side it's just the icing on an already very clearly baked cake. My issue, or unique way of hoping, has a deeper root, and honestly- I'm blaming God for that one.

Yes, I fell apart for Mr.Darcy, and who wouldn't want to be swept away like Rosie (not me..unfortunately) from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton? I get all prepared like every girl to take in every romantic aspect of great chic flicks like Pretty Woman and (dare I say it) The Notebook: Ice cream, great sweat pants, pedicures and probably even candles and wine if it's a good night. But I still maintain that it's not Hollywood's great casting ability (gorgeous guys loving gorgeous women incredibly really does send some girls...and guys if they were honest...right out of reality orbit and into another realm) or some screenwriter's ability to script a few amazing lines (gorgeous men saying incredible adulations to gorgeous women also seems to be quite the trap to moving from reality into the long lost world of daydreaming) that creates the amorous junkie that I seem to be.

I believe there are two parts to my blaming God on this one. First, the obvious, would be that it is safe to say and clear to most who know me, I am not a "little bit of anything". I am usually overly excited, over-achieving, overspent, over the line, overdue, overly affectionate, and always overly loud (all with a cheesy Miss America smile I can't seem to wipe off or unscrew for the life of me). So, it would make sense to just blame my design on also being overly hopeful in the guy department (although, you must know, my romanticism of life does not contain itself just to dating relationships...I also tend to spill that all over into my career circumstances, my friendships and any other normal life situations that I believe should be spiced up and beefed up with a good story). I know that somewhere along the line in my being created, there had to have been a bit of an accident or a joke or an experiment...(not that I believe God ever makes it probably is part of a joke/experiment all in one.) The second part is not only for me, and is definitely not speculation. God is a romancer, the ULTIMATE romancer if you will. Put the two together, Rosie (hopeless romantic) and God (ultimate romantic) and you have an equation for one cataclysmic life.

I have found something that seems to be quite the interesting positive correlation. The more I fall in love with Christ, and the more I understand about Christ being a husband who leads and loves unconditionally and providentially, the more I become a hopeless romantic. I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I develop such a taste for God's romance that nothing is worth settling for and seek after His more and more. On the other hand, I expect too much here on earth. Either way, boy does it create an ache inside this already over-worked heart of mine!

Without a doubt my favorite ideas on what my husband would look like are straight from God's descriptions (His word, of course...see 1 Tim 3) but I would add that there have been some phenomenal displays of my hopes in a few Hollywood men. And, I'm not going to lie, if guys learned from those two combined forces- well, life would be a different story... :D (a much more romantic one, to say the least)

Please don't close this by thinking I'm walking around waiting for my very own Jim Halpert- in all my unrealistic ideas, this is not an area I'm that far gone in. But I will say, I'm not settling for an option or a current circumstance because my God taught me He, Himself, provides a romance I can't get anywhere else. And that, I happen to be quite overly excited about.


  1. know my "hollywood man", ok make that men...yes im a hypathetical whore Josh Hartnett and Tyson Beckford, and you also kno im not a fan of the office (not a hater tho), BUT i thought it was a beautiful outlook on the perfect romance!God in awesome! with you on the "hopeless" part as I ACCUALLY LIVE IN Hollywood and am wondering where they keep the men we've all been watching our whole lives locked up :) When I find them, u'll b the 1st 2 kno...wweellll if i decide to leave their secret layer :D

  2. i two am a hopeless romantic. sigh. gotta love those chick flicks. :) I love this post. but no need to apologize for how you are. your awesome! <3
