Friday, January 8, 2010

Slogans Sell Chicken Feet To Suits

This life is a store- full of what we like, want and strive to have. I am a product in my own store- caught up in a salesman's journey of convincing. I know very well my own make, model and distinctive capabilities. "I am just what you need, I will make your life better." But wait, I think that was my old slogan- the one I used when I thought through undeniable shownmanship it could be proven that my worth far outweighed my cost and I was a helluva bargain. The people who jump on bargains are sucker-fish, not so much interested in the product as they are in having. (These people wear suits and smell expensive.) I could be "had" but then I'd never see appreciation. So, that slogan is out. I believe my next tactic could be outright declaring my worth-- for all to see. This could be a risky move, becuase it attracts crowds-yes- but often the most desperately drawn have nothing to offer in payment. They pine and hurt painfully for something they know not how to attain. I'm stuck with motionless loiterers. (These people DO NOT wear suits and smell of hot dogs. ) So here I am, thinking of my slogan. Contemplating how to protect myself from the undeserving and how to avoid teasing the unable. I'm off the shelf. No sale should go down this way. But stowed away from all other marketable things, I SEE...... I recognize buyers and their intentions. At times it is disgusting to observe the shopper with an acute hunger pang. It is terribly sad to see longing in $50 too short. I wish I could just stay up here away from that chaos, away from the crowded stealing and honest hard work being tiredly exchanged. But my maker is not in the business of designing uselessness. I have to get out there, I have to BE- regardless of my buyer's intentions. There is no salespitch- it is what it is. Maybe I am in the catering industry.

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