Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hi, Maintenance

I honestly don't even know how to begin this one other than to say, I hate the word MAINTENANCE. The very definition BUGS ME. What's the source of my deep disdain? Because MAINTENANCE is a word that suggests you have to do "it" every day, all the time in order to keep up. You brush your teeth EVERY DAY, no breaks- no vacations. You go to bed and get up at the same times every day- no weekend exceptions unless you want to struggle the following week with constant tiredness. Every day you do dishes and clean up and wash laundry and take showers. If you skip days, people notice. YOU NOTICE. You try to relax, and the next thing you know, you're realizing that relaxing has somehow put you behind.

I'm a huge fan and proponent of the "if you do it once, you shouldn't have to do it again for a long time" motto. You know, if you just spent an hour washing all the dishes, putting them in the dishwasher- it makes sense to not have to revisit that chore again for at least a week. (And all the real women out there chuckle...) Or if you lose all that cherished chub from bearing a baby, the work you put in should give some lifetime guarantee that it won't sneak right back on. (Again, the real women out there know how unrealistic this hope is.) But how do you have time to keep the house clean, the weight off, the work done, the husband and kids loved and still have time to take care of all the little things YOU need too?

Ironically, I starting writing this blog months ago when I was frustrated with how messy my house was, how behind with work I felt and in the midst of a "fat day". I have added pieces here and there to this lingering topic, and I revisited it today. Right after I realized all my frustration is stemming from the lack of good, true perspective.

Maintenance isn't much of a perspective issue as much as it is a motivation issue. But I think perspective directly affects motivation. If my theory of "truth up perspective equals amped up motivation" then maybe my definition of EFFECTIVE will be powered by truth and acted out by the abilities I already have. And just then, MAYBE, I will stop seeing a falling behind, ragged attempt of a female and just see a woman- a woman who lives life gracefully and beautifully just as intended. Like every other woman who knows life is not about conquering, just a whole lot of tackling. Over. and Over. AND OVER.

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